Divorces are a necessary tool for getting out of a bad situation but they are not exactly pleasant. A standard divorce is extremely confrontational, so a lot of stress and hurt feelings are generated while you and your spouse fight over everything.
alpharetta collaborative divorceIn the 1990s, a group of attorneys got together to try to find a healthier alternative to standard divorce and they succeeded by creating the Collaborative Divorce Process.  It sounds like it would be extremely complicated but it really boils down to this: work together with your spouse to come to an understanding about property, visitation, custody and other issues covered in a standard divorce.
It is not for everyone because it necessitates you and your spouse being able to work together, at least in the short term. But if you can manage it, you will come out a lot better off than just putting it in front of a divorce court and letting the judge decide.

A collaborative divorce proceeding has the following advantages over a standard divorce:

  1. Less fighting – The goal of a collaborative divorce is for each participant to have a hand in negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement. It allows you to salvage what is left of your relationship and possibly part on good terms.
  1. Less Expensive – Since it takes place in an informal setting outside of court there are much less fees to pay.
  1. A focus on results – Instead of fighting over issues, both spouses come together to discuss the problem and solve it. You will work as a team instead of against one another.
  1. Easier on the kids – Seeing their parents backstab and trash talk one another can be really damaging to children so a collaborative approach is a healthier alternative because it removes that from the equation.

If you and your spouse are considering divorce, contact the Alpharetta collaborative divorce attorneys at Hastings Shadmehry to learn more about how this alternative could help you.

Posted Under: Collaborative Divorce