How Does Divorce Effect Children?

If handled correctly, your divorce will affect your children as little as possible. It doesn’t often play out that way though. Many parents make the mistake of dragging their kids into the middle of a divorce and using them as weapons against each other. There is a better way to handle a divorce proceeding and […]

Live or Work in the Downtown Atlanta Area?

We have an additional location to provide you with more options! With the understanding that a significant number of our clients live or work within the Perimeter, Hastings Shadmehryrecently opened an additional office location in Atlanta. While our operations are still primarily held within the Alpharetta office, we are now able to schedule appointments and […]

What Makes a Collaborative Lawyer

All true collaborative cases have the same basic structure: two collaboratively-trained lawyers and a participation agreement outlining the rights and responsibilities of the parties and the professionals.  I know lawyers who call themselves “collaborative” because they simply think they can work well with other attorneys.  Without two lawyers who have taken special training in collaborative practice, […]

Just Fine, Thanks

I subscribe to an Internet “clip service,” in which I get an email every day listing articles in my areas of interest that have been posted on the Internet in the last 24 hours.  Articles come from all across the U.S., and across the world. It’s a great way to stay up to date with […]

What's the Difference? Options for Divorcing Couples

At a recent social function someone asked me whether a person could be forced to get a divorce if he or she doesn’t want one. Although we as family lawyers understand the everyday details of divorce, we sometimes forget that other people don’t. My law partner, Andee Hastings, and I spent a recent weekend exhibiting at […]

Problem Solvers, Not Warriors

This week my law partner and I are exhibiting at the Georgia Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (GAMFT) conference. I love talking to marriage and family therapists about collaborative practice  because they really understand how proactively addressing the parties’ emotional reaction to a divorce can make the process so much easier on everyone, especially the […]

Doing the Right Thing, Even When it Hurts

Yesterday we made the difficult decision to help our beloved 13 year old beagle leave this world.  She had cancer and was failing.  It became clear that the most loving and compassionate thing we could do for her was to let her go.  Even so, it was heartbreaking for us. I am telling you this story because […]

Divorce Doesn't Have to Destroy Your Business

You’ve spent years and thousands of dollars building a family business to provide security for your family.  You’ve sacrificed countless hours, holidays, and sleepless nights.  Finally the business looks like it’s going to take off, but now you’re contemplating divorce.  What’s going to happen to the business you’ve worked so hard to build?  Are you […]

Whose Life is it Anyway?

If I were to ask you what one aspect of your life you would most want a court to stay away from, what would you say?  Your money?  Your bedroom?  Your kids?  What if I told you that in divorce cases the court could enter an order affecting your right to practice your religion?  What if […]

Everybody Needs a Family

In my last post, I commented that “Mom, dad, 2.5 kids and a dog doesn’t exist anymore.”   This week I ran across a story on that highlights a family bonded by love, not genetics. John, now 24, had been in foster care since he was 7 years old.  He bounced from family to family, neglected and abused.  […]